Dialog Box

Anna Kelly

Fashion-Forward Mum


raised so far


of $5,000 goal

It's that time of year again where I set my heart to Teal and raise as much as I can for the OCRF. Ovarian Cancer statistics are not improving, so we are again raising funds in support of our daughters, our nieces and our friends who will benefit from all our hard work in years to come.

My beautiful Mum passed away in October 2016 and I still miss her dearly. I promised her I would do as much as I could in her honour, to raise as much awareness as I could, if only she was here to see all that we have achieved so far.

My silent auction is October 26th and I understand not everyone can attend my event. By donating here, you are already part of something amazing.

Thanking each and every one of you,
Much Love

My Updates

20 Oct 2019

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I truly appreciate everyones support and contributions, much love Anna X
