Dialog Box

Meagan Kopatz


raised so far


of $1,000 goal

I'm Frocking Up to raise funds for Australia's most lethal gynaecological cancer - ovarian cancer. The five-year survival rate for ovarian cancer in Australia is just 46%, meaning those diagnosed get less than half a chance of surviving five years from their diagnosis. I want to help change the statistics and give those diagnosed with ovarian cancer a greater chance of survival. Research is the answer. The OCRF is the leading non-government funder of ovarian cancer research in Australia, and the largest funder nationwide for early detection research. If an early detection test can be developed, survival rates for ovarian cancer could rise to 90% and above, saving the lives of thousands. Please help me support the vital work of the OCRF, and the dedicated researchers they fund, by making a donation to my page. Every dollar counts!

My Updates

01 Nov 2021

That's a wrap! Frocktober is done and dusted. Thank you again to everyone who donated or cheered me along. It was quite the ride! And our group, The Australian Dames of Fashion, raised the most most money in Australia. Woot woot, gloating rights fully accepted.😄

27 Oct 2021

Again, I am blown away by the support of so many amazing people donating to ovarian cancer research. Today someone donated so I could reach the $1000 milestone, thank you. Four more dresses to go, including Halloween!

23 Oct 2021

Unsure if it will last very long but today feels like summer is coming! My toes saw sunlight for the first time in six months. Only one week left to go with Frocktober. Am considering how to go out with a bang on Halloween. Any ideas??

19 Oct 2021

I can't believe I needed to lift the donation goal again! Thank you, thank you, thank you all you kind and fabulous people. Xx M

14 Oct 2021

Second week done! One of my posts this week was a video so I couldn't add to my round-up collage. Frocktober is only halfway over so there is still plenty of opportunity to find out more and lend your support to this very worthy cause.

12 Oct 2021

A cold snap has had me diving through the wardrobe for dresses that I can layer with tights and jumpers. Brr!

All the generous donations are keeping me going so thank you everyone!

08 Oct 2021

I am actually blown away... I thought a $500 fundraising goal was a bit optimistic but I've reached this in the first week.

Thank you sincerely to everyone who has donated what they can to this worthy cause of research and support for women facing ovarian cancer.

07 Oct 2021

Week one done and dusted! I'm wondering how long until the weather warms up and I can break out some sandals and more casual summer dresses.

05 Oct 2021

I can't believe we are already halfway to the donation goal already! Thank you so much for the support and encouragement on this little journey of mine. Big hugs and support to all the women and their families affected by Ovarian Cancer. This is for you.

30 Sep 2021

The eve of Frocktober - who's excited?! Follow my month over on Instagram:
